Medical Records Scanning

Experienced medical records scanning and Indexing.

Medical Records Scanning

Carolina Records Center is experienced at Medical Records Scanning and we’re able to help you avoid many of the problems that can occur during scanning. Our time-tested methods and procedure ensure compliance with HIPAA security rules.

Preparing the documents for transport to our facility.

Our team of professionals will work with your staff to coordinate the boxing, preparation and transportation of your important medical records to our facility. We take great care in making sure you continue to have access to your patient information throughout the process by barcoding every chart and every box as it is sent out for scanning.

Bear in mind that not every chart needs tom be scanned. Inactive charts can be stored in our secure warehouse and retrieved if needed. We can then simply scan it and deliver it to you through our secure FTP site or drop it straight into your EMR. We call this Scan-On-Demand. By scanning only active patients you will save thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs.

Receipt of Documents

Once Patient Charts are received at our facility, we will carefully inventory your information input it into our state-of-the-art records center software. We will provide you with a detailed list of all patient charts we’ve received. This enables us to quickly and easily access a patient chart if it’s needed during the Medical Record Scanning process.

Documents Preparation

This is the most time-consuming part of the process. We will remove all staples, paper clips and dog ears and repair any ripped or torn pages. We will place a bar coded separator sheet between the  different sections of the chart do that we maintain your tab system.


Our document scanning center is equipped with high speed Canon scanners  allowing us to provide excellent quality.

Quality Control

As with all scanning jobs, quality control is essential but even more so with patient charts. We review every image to ensure readability and quality.


We can index your files based on a variety of criteria of your choosing including Date of Birth, Terminal Digit File Number, First and Last Name, and any other information that you require. We are experienced at working with EMR vendors to ensure that we can capture and tag your patient charts with all of the necessary information for proper retrieval.

Importing your data into your Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or Electronic Health Record (EHR) System.

Carolina Records Center will handle the integration points and ensure that your imaged data will be delivered to your EMR or EHR System efficiently. We eliminate the headaches normally associated with importing information by partnering with many leading vendors to feed their systems at the database level.

Free Storage of Scanned Charts for One Year

Just to make sure everything goes smoothly and to provide you with peace of mind, we will store the original hard copy charts for one year for free in our climate controlled, full sprinkler, secure facility. After that you can determine whether you wish to continue to store the records or destroy them

Certified Document Destruction

Whenever you are ready to destroy the hard copy documents we offer Certified Document Destruction to ensure that your information is properly destroyed.

Pricing for Medical Records Scanning

We our pricing is in terms of price per page, which includes all of the services relating to Medical Records Scanning. For most projects, our services can range between $.06 and $.15 per Image based on the total volume of pages to be scanned, the amount of preparation required, and the number of index fields requested.

Thus, every project is quoted on a case-by-case basis. If would like to receive a proposal for your Medical Record Conversion project, contact us by filling out the short form on this page or calling us at 910.245.3688.

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