Privacy Policy

Our Promise

What We Do

Carolina Records Center provides confidential record storage and related services to a broad range of clients.

Maintaining the privacy and security of our clients’ vital records is our number one priority. Carolina Records Center will take every reasonable precaution to make sure that our clients’ vital documents are secure at all times and their privacy and confidentiality is maintained. It is the policy of Carolina Records Center LLC to comply with the privacy requirements of all state and federal statutes, and Acts.

Protecting the Confidentiality of Customer Information: Our procedures comply with federal and industry professional standards. Our storage facilities are designed to keep intruders out with a perimeter fence, exterior and interior digital surveillance system, and fire suppression system. Carolina Records Center retains a signed receipt by an authorized recipient for all transactions and transfers of records.

1. Who is Covered by the Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy applies to current customers or former customers. Our clients retain ownership of their records at all times. At no time will Carolina Records Center share any information owned by a client without their express permission in writing to do so.

2. How We Gather Information:

Document management and destruction services requires that we obtain information about customers from applications, agreements forms and the physical records of all types which are transported and deposited into our facilities and cataloged into our database for tracking and monitoring. This information crucial for the operations of our clients’ businesses and may include: third party personal information of our client’s customers, credit information, personal information, medical records, original documents, intellectual property, real property records to name a few.

3. Information We Share:

Carolina Records Center reserves the right to share who are our clients by business name only. Carolina Records Center does not share client contact information, or any other information about our clients without their consent to do so. Carolina Records Center does not sell or share contact information to telemarketers or other marketing organization at anytime. The records managed by Carolina Records Center at all times remains the property of our clients. At no time will Carolina Records Center provide, share, deliver or permit access to any record owned by our clients without their express written permission to do so except as defined below:

We may provide information to third-parties without customer’s consent, as required by law, such as:

1. To regulatory authorities and law enforcement officials.

2. To protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims, or other liability.

3. To respond to a subpoena or court order, judicial process or regulatory authorities.

Privacy Measures & Procedures: Carolina Records Center does not open client boxes unless asked to retrieve a record No client, vendor or visitor is allowed in the warehouse at any time without first signing into the visitor log. All visitors are also are attended to by an employee of Carolina Records Center at all times while in the warehouse.

  • Clients are not allowed access to the warehouse to retrieve or view their records. They are allowed to tour the facility if scheduled in advance.
  • All clients have an “Access Authorization Form” on file which clearly indicates those individuals who can request and receive records.
  • All file or box transactions are documented with a signature by an authorized recipient confirming receipt and retained on file indefinitely
  • Records transported in delivery vehicles are kept locked and concealed at all times.
  • Carolina Records Center will not disclose or deliver any records to anyone other than an individual that is authorized unless specifically instructed to do so in writing.


  • All new employees are subject to criminal and financial background checks in addition to pre-employment drug screening.
  • All employees have signed Confidentiality Agreements.
  • We have an active disaster recovery program in place and a complete backup of the storage database is maintained off-site.
  • Professional firewalls and security measures are in place to prevent system intrusion (“hackers”).

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